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Speaker Presentations

'15 Fall Conference: Panel Presentations
A five member panel representing different stakeholders reflects on recent health care reforms at the 5th year of the Affordable Care Act, and shares views about reforms they would like to see in the next five years.
'15 Spring Conference: Henry Ford West Bloomfield – Beyond Boundaries
Sue Dendrino's from Henry Ford Hospital West Bloomfield presentation on the opportunities and challenges of designing a hospital to optimize the patient experience.
'15 Spring Conference: Considering the Consumer
Ryan Donohue from National Research Corporation presented their latest research on how consumers are making health care decisions. 
'15 Spring Conference: New Analytics for Marketing Planning
Jeff Schilling and Bob Mack's presentation on new analytics and software tools to assist in strategic planning. 
Trends in TraDigital
Life at the intersection of traditional and digital media.
'17 Spring Conference: Creating a Superior Patient Experience
Rose Glenn, SVP, Communications & Chief Experience Officer at Henry Ford Health System, provided a SHSMD Update and the Morning Keynote focusing on the cultural and operational changes that are being made to improve the care experience in the large, complex organization.